Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mt. Rainier - Kautz Creek

Indian Henry's Campground

Kautz Creek is a tough hike.  5.7 miles to Indian Henry's Campground and a lovely view of Mt. Rainier,  climbing all the way.  I always hit a wall about 4 miles up where I'm not entirely sure I can finish or move another step.  Some food, water and a knowledge that the end is so close keeps the tired legs going.  Yesterday was a hot, muggy day with a fresh hatching of mosquitos to deal with (I was inhaling them as I was trying to eat), but it was amazingly beautiful.  Last time we scared and treed a bear on the way down, but I am happy to report that there were no bear sightings this time.  More pictures here.


  1. How beautiful! what a wonderful setting for a campground. I'm happy that you a. Made it all the way. b. had the good sense to have a camera. c. shared the pics with us!!!! Hope you're not too exhausted today.

  2. Wow! What a beautiful place to go hiking

  3. I hope you realize that I'm hiking vicariously through you, KB. Just for the record, I think we did an awesome job.

  4. Beautiful pictures! Hope you don't mind if I follow your blog. :)
